Would you like to become a genuine
ICF and EMCC Certified Coach and avoid all the hassle and complexity of the standard application process?
You want to demonstrate your quality as a coach and set a clear signal to the market that you stand for an ethical and serious practice? You know that the best way to do that is to be certified by the International Coaching Federation, the “gold standard” for coaches or by EMCC?
However, you have little time and not a lot of energy for complicated credentialing applications, paperwork and bureaucracy.
We understand! Being a quality oriented coach and being an ingenious administrator are not often part of the same personality – coaches tend to be people oriented and not much paper oriented. If you want to explore, why not join one of our free coaching meetups?


Your advantages when working with us:
Start your credentialing journey if you do not have previous training and use the simplest track for ICF certification (ACTP / Level 1, 2 and 3) and for EMCC, the EQA path
Continue your credentialing journey if you have previous training that we might be able to recognize. You can then also use the ACTP track for certification via our ICF Onboarding classes, Coaching Masterclasses, or Coaching in Organization classes (only possible until January 1, 2023
Find easy options for Individual Mentoring, Group Mentoring and Renewal
Attend live and engaging classes from anywhere in the world. We have been doing online coach training since 2005! If there are virtual gurus, it’s us!
We offer regular free Coaching Meetup and Exchange sessions:
For participants, alumni, interested people
To give you information and a taste of our programs
To discuss coaching and team coaching cases
To connect and network
Why SolutionsAcademy?

We are Solution Focused — in short, this means that we will concentrate on finding out what our clients are looking for, look for things that make the client confident that they can get there and define steps into that direction. We collaborate with our partners in the organisation and base our interactions on trust and “making each other look good”. We are not interested in proving our clients wrong.
Solution Focused conversations are an evidence based practice for creating sustainable solutions for clients. What we do is scientifically sound and far away from the ever changing market driven hypes in Human Resource development: you can trust us to be firmly based in research oriented, evidence based practice.
Our Impact in Numbers
We worked for
Since 2018
Our Participants
Our Participants
Are you looking for
An ICF and EMCC accredited coach training program for ACC, PCC, MCC or renewal and EMCC foundation, practitioner, senior practitioner, team coach or supervisor? (The only program on the market giving you both)
A training with guaranteed quality and global recognition of your certificates (ICF, EMCC and IASTI)
Online training that is live, engaging and rewarding
A learning group with other consultants, leaders, HR-professionals, Scrum masters, agile coaches, people looking for a career change
Global experience and exposure
A thorough program which you can integrate easily into your busy life
Something that does not only teach you 1on1 coaching but offers you skills for daily conversations at work (and in private life, too)

Our Program
Fully accredited for certification by the International Coaching Federation for ACC, PCC and MCC as Level 1, 2 and 3: gold standard
Our courses are also accredited as EQA with EMCC, guaranteed quality
Fully accredited by the International Alliance of Solution Focused Teaching institutes: a solid coaching approach
Engaging, interactive and online: comfortable, fun participation from anywhere in the world – we have been training online since 2005!
Designed for a diverse global audience (participants from North and South America, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Australia)
Using weekly 2 hour sessions for a little more than a year (all timezones): very doable
Makes recorded sessions available to support intensive learning
Uses a highly transferable, easy and respectful coaching approach: Solution Focused
Accreditation of our programs

Our Coach Trainings
Coaching for Managers and Leaders: EMCC Foundation
Coaching Fundamentals: ICF Level 1 / EMCC Practitioner
Coaching in Organizations: ICF Level 2 / EMCC Senior Practitioner
Coaching Masterclass: ICF Level 3
SF Coaching Supervision: EMCC ESIA
Mentor Coach Training: ICF Mentor
Team Coaching: EMCC ITCA
Our Testimonials
Trainers & Mentors
All trainers have a ICF PCC or MCC credential, most are EMCC senior practitioners and accredited supervisors
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the next program start?
ICF Level 1 “Coaching Fundamentals” leading to ACC certification and EMCC practitioner runs four times a year, starting in February, May, September and November.
ICF Level 2 “Coaching in Organizations” which builds on any 60 hour ACC class and leads to PCC certification and EMCC senior practitioner runs twice a year starting in February and September.
ICF Level 3 “SF Coaching Masterclass” which builds on any 125 hour PCC level class and leads to MCC certification and runs twice a year starting January / February and September / October.
Group Mentoring classes and CCEU offerings run regularly throughout the year.
What guarantees the quality of the program?
- The programs are accredited as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 (previously ACTP) by the International Coach Federation, the international gold-standard for coach training programs and as EQA at foundation, practitioner, senior practitioner, team coach and supervisor level guaranteeing the international recognition of the quality of the training.
- We are subjected to the regular incremental renewal process of the International Coach Federation and the EMCC.
- SolutionsAcademy is an accredited member institute of IASTI the International Alliance of Solution Focused Teaching Institutes guaranteeing the firm grounding in Solution Focused, a practical, respectful, resource- and progress oriented approach.
- Our trainers are all certified coaches and have decades of experience coaching in the real world all over the globe.
Can I really attend the program from anywhere in the world?
- Your time investment is two hours every week in class and maybe 3 hours outside the class if you take advantage of all the learning material. Even busy people will find the time to profit from our training without putting a strain on their life. In fact, since you are being coached as well as learning to coach, your life will probably become even easier when you join our training.
- You participate online and from your desk or hotel room. There is no need to spend valuable hours in trains, planes, automobiles or hotels saving you time and energy.
- The system is stable: you can dial in via phone or internet — so you really can attend from anywhere!
- The sessions are run with Zoom: as easy to connect as a mouseclick. There is friendly support for technophobes. Offline material is available in a modern “moodle” environment. You can access the learning material whenever you want, wherever you are, which gives you optimal flexibility and choice on where and how to spend your time. Sessions are recorded.
- The small group with a maximum of 12 participants and the possibility to do breakout rooms in the virtual environment for even smaller groups make the training highly interactive. You get lots of hands-on practice and feedback so that you learn fast, efficiently and effectively.
Who are the other people in the class?
- The training is truly global and set up so that people from all over the world can join (Asia, Europe, American time-zones). Meet, be coached by and learn to coach global participants. We have had participants from the US, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Russia, Romania, UK, South-Africa, Mexico, Saudi-Arabia, India, Singapore, Philippines, Australia, Nigeria, Thailand, Singapore, France... Perfect practice for today’s world.
- We aim at attracting a diverse international group of a maximum of 12 participants from all over Europe, America, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia: leaders, consultants, HR-professionals, coaches who work in corporations, the social sector, education or NGOs. We believe that diversity of coaching issues, personality and cultural background will make our learning group richer and more challenging for the participants.
- The training includes basic skills plus wide range of coaching specialties (team coaching, coaching in organizational development, coaching in change management, coaching in conflict situations) so that your future coaching practice is not limited to one-hour one-on-one sessions but can be used versatilely in today’s global business environment.
- The training is highly practical and transferable to your work life and perfect for global managers, leaders, coaches, HR, freelancers. Solution Focused coaching is effective, pragmatic, ethical, non-invasive and respectful and easily adaptable to many situations.
Who are the trainers?
- All trainers are certified ICF coaches and most are EMCC accredited as well.
- All trainers have more than 10 years experience coaching in the real world.
- Kirsten Dierolf, MCC our program director, is member of the assessor team for the International Coach Federation for PCC and MCC candidates.
- Kirsten is also a founding mother of virtual training — she started training virtually when nobody even knew what this is and is a real virtual guru!
- All of our trainers bios be found here.
What are the steps to certification?
For Coaching Skills for Managers and Leaders
- Gain 50 hours client coaching experience
- Successfully participate in class
- Fill in a portfolio document
- SolutionsAcademy recommends you to EMCC
- You pay EMCC membership and accreditation fee and receive accreditation
- Successfully participate in class
- Receive certificate
For Coaching Fundamentals
Receive from SolutionsAcademy (included in our price)
- 60 hour coach training program with Level 1 certificate (which you receive from us after successful completion of the program)
- 10 hours mentor coaching (included in our program)
- Performance evaluation by the provider (in this case from us - we observe your coaching in a recording during mentoring, if it meets ACC criteria, you "pass")
Additionally go to ICF
- Fill in the application
- Paying the certification fee
- Attesting to 100 hours of coaching experience (having coached)
- Passing “ICF Credentialing Exam” administered online by ICF after registration for the certification
- Gain 100 hours client coaching experience
- Successfully participate in class
- Fill in a portfolio document
- SolutionsAcademy recommends you to EMCC
- You pay EMCC membership and accreditation fee and receive accreditation
- Gain 100 hours client coaching experience
- Successfully participate in class
- Receive certificate
For Coaching in Organizations
- 125 hour coach training program with Level 2 certificate (which you receive from us after successful completion of the program)
- 10 hours mentor coaching (included in our program)
- Performance evaluation by the provider (in this case from us - we observe your coaching in a recording during mentoring, if it meets PCC criteria, you "pass")
Additionally go to ICF
- Fill in the application
- Paying the certification fee
- Attesting to 500 hours of coaching experience (having coached)
- Passing “ICF Credentialing Exam” administered online by ICF after registration for the certification
- Gain 250 hours client coaching experience
- Successfully participate in class
- Fill in a portfolio document
- SolutionsAcademy recommends you to EMCC
- You pay EMCC membership and accreditation fee and receive accreditation
- Gain 200 hours client coaching experience
- Successfully participate in class
- Receive certificate
For Coaching Masterclass
- 200 hour coach training program with Level 3 certificate (which you receive from us after successful completion of the program)
- 10 hours mentor coaching (included in our program)
- Performance evaluation by ICF (not by us!)
Additionally go to ICF
- Fill in the application
- Paying the certification fee
- Attesting to 2500 hours of coaching experience (having coached)
- Upload 2 performance evaluation recordings, transcripts and translations (if not in one of the accepted languages)
- Passing “ICF Credentialing Exam” administered online by ICF after registration for the certification
- Gain 500 hours client coaching experience
- Prove "contribution to the profession"
- Successfully participate in class
- Fill in an application with EMCC and go through their Master Practitioner process: key is your "contribution to the profession"
- You pay EMCC membership and accreditation fee and receive accreditation
- Gain 300 hours client coaching experience
- Successfully participate in class
- Receive certificate
For Coaching Supervision
- Be EMCC senior practitioner - if not fill in a portfolio document and we can recommend you. You do need to fulfill the requirements for senior practitioner (see above)
- Gain 125 hours client coaching supervision experience
- Successfully participate in class
- Fill in a portfolio document
- SolutionsAcademy recommends you to EMCC
- You pay EMCC membership and accreditation fee and receive accreditation
For Team Coaching
- Be EMCC practitioner - if not fill in a portfolio document and we can recommend you. You do need to fulfill the requirements for practitioner (see above)
- Have 3 years practice as individual coach and 18 months as team coach
- Successfully participate in class
- Fill in a portfolio document
- SolutionsAcademy recommends you to EMCC
- You pay EMCC membership and accreditation fee and receive accreditation
- Accreditation at ACC, PCC, MCC level
- 10 team coaching engagements with 10 clients
- SolutionsAcademy certificate
- 10 hours Supervision (4, maybe 10 if group supervision counts - not known yet - included in program)
Additionally go to ICF
- Fill in the application
- Paying the certification fee
- Passing “ICF Team Coaching Exam” administered online by ICF after registration for the certification
What are the languages of the program?
- The programs are currently available in English, German, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Turkish, Chinese, Farsi and Arabic
- We are actively working on a Spanish and French version – please contact us if you are interested
- All other languages available upon request (large trainer pool)
- All time zones and almost all major languages can be arranged if you have a group of 6 people
What are the technical requirements?
- The program is run via zoom
- International phone dial in is available guaranteeing stable operation from almost anywhere
- If you want to join via computer, you will need a camera and a headset
What is my investment?
- Coaching Fundamentals and Coaching in Organizations (ICF Level 1 and Level 2 (ACTP) / EMCC EQA senior practitioner) leading up to ICF PCC / EMCC senior practitioner certification including all mentor coaching hours (mentor coaching market value = 2000 €): € 5300
- Coaching Fundamentals (ICF Level 1 / EMCC EQA practitioner) including all mentor coaching hours: € 2800
- Coaching in Organizations (ICF Level 2 / EMCC EQA senior practitioner) including all mentor coaching hours: € 2900
- SF Coaching Masterclass (ICF Level 3) including all mentor coaching hours: € 3400
- ICF Onboarding Class ACC including all mentor coaching hours: € 1600 ICF Onboarding Class PCC including all mentor coaching hours: € 1000 ( without mentor coaching hours € 400
- Bespoke classes available (talk to us: www.solutionsacademy.com/info-call)
- The course can be paid in installments and we expect to have been paid in full before the end of the program.
- Any cancellations will have to be in written form. If the participant cancels later than 30 working days before the start of the program, 60% of the fee will have to be paid as an administrative fee. The date of the cancellation is the date when the training provider receives the written cancellation. Participants cancelling later than 14 days before the program start or participants who do not attend the program will have to pay the fee in full.
How do I register?
Let's get in touch!
We would love to know more about your best hopes.